My goal is to
help mums and dads all over the world have a fulfilled family life and help you
make your dreams come true.
I have set out to
provide tools and inspiration for you to make the necessary changes, so you can
move forward reaching out for your goals. Our goals are different for each and every
one of us: we all want different things in life, but in the end we all need to
DO the same to reach them: We need to stretch ourselves! That's right: STRETCH!
We are human beings and all of us have the need to grow and stretch ourselves
for us to taste true happiness and to feel fulfilled.
So what has all of
this to do with "Passionate Parenting"? Well, your fulfilment and
happiness has everything to do with passionate parenting. In my opinion: Home
is where the heart is and everything starts there. And also: by you reaching
your full potential, you can give the best to your children and teach them to
do the same thing! After all: they are the future. Just think about that for a
moment: The better a person you are, the more you have to give, the more you
give, the better the world. So: For you to change the world, even on a small
scale: start with yourself!
But don't you find
that as a parent you sometimes are so stuck in a rut? So stuck in the
"living from day to day": You look after the children, take them to
school or nursery, you go to work, do the shopping, cook dinner, children to
bed, have a chat with your spouse or friend, check your emails or facebook,
watch a bit of TV or a film, read a little, do a bit of sport, walk the
dog..... really the list is endless, but the point is: Life takes over and
sometimes we are so on automatic pilot, that before we know it a whole week has
gone past and when you come to think of it or look back...... you are still in
the same place as you were a week ago, a month ago, maybe even a year or worse,
years ago. You might feel you have not gone forward, haven't achieved anything,
haven't grown, and wondering: Is this what life is all about?
I am not sure about
you, but I for sure have been there. Even though you can feel blessed, you get
confronted with that "empty space". Life had gone by and another
chunk of time is gone, without you really making the most of it. We live in a
world now, a fast world, whereby everything is done fast and is at the end of
your fingertips: No more waiting for a letter for days: Just quickly text! No
more shopping next week: Order it online today and receive it tomorrow. No more
waiting months to see if it is a boy or a girl - let's have an early scan and
as soon as we know whether it's a boy or a girl, we go and get the paint and
buy some clothes. I am not prescribing this is right or wrong: Gosh, a weekly
grocery shop delivered to my door is an absolute God Send. The point I am
making is that as technology moves forward and the world is moving in a more
fast-paced way, so do we. We expect everything quicker and more efficient. We
do not slow down instead we try to cram in even more! It can result in us going
around so fast; we actually lose sight of what is important. We lose touch
with what we really want from our lives. Rarely taking a step back to reflect.
And so you look back at when you take your baby to school at the age of five
and wondering where the heck the time went. Sometimes even wishing you could do
it all over again.....
I am here to help you,
make the most of your life, help you to get back in touch with what it is that
you truly desire for your life, so you can look back one day and say to your
children: "I have no regrets", "I lived life fully", isn't
that what we all want?
So it's time to WAKEY
WAKEY, become more aware and design a life you love. And if any of this
resonates something within you, it is time to get of your butt and make a
"Oh, but I can't
just do what I want" some might think. "I can't just hand in my
resignation to my boss, as much as I want to" - No, maybe not today,
BUT....... And believe me...... it's a big BUT.......
SECRET........Life moves in mysterious ways. And if you don't believe me, give
this a shot:
When you stop and
think what really lights your fire and what really floats your boat, things
will (as if by magic) appear. It happened for me and it can happen for
It starts with you
really taking one step back and taking a look at your life and see what you
want and where you want to be heading. And then you need to start focussing on
it. And when you start focussing, you'll find things will appear and come on
your path. It's called "The Law of Attraction".
Let me and this blog
help you in any way I can. All you need to do is to decide you want to move
forward. I really enjoy helping people move forward and I give my very best.
This combined with my experiences:
I have loved and I
have lost,
I have lost and I have
I have given birth and
I have fallen and
stood up,
I have rebuilt,
fought and cried.
All of this made me
who I am today and I am proud to say: I have never given up (apart from
Born and raised in The
Netherlands, expect me to give it to you straight up, without sugar coating.
And even though I am much organised, I do like to go off on a little incy wincey
side path at times. I am now located in the UK and am helping people find their
passion and getting on the desired path.
I have mastered a few valuable skills along the way, which I would
love to share with people. We all need a helping hand, so if you feel you need
one too: all you need to do is get in touch - Simple :)
Wishing you happiness and love,
Rowena x
Wishing you happiness and love,
Rowena x
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